
Weight Loss Success-Beyond the Calorie Model

It's late December and you know what that means. Millions will once again make resolutions and attempt to lose weight. What weight loss mantra will you follow this year? Does this sound familiar to you? All you have to do in order to lose weight is create a calorie deficit-burn more through exercise and consume less from food. Sounds so simple doesn't it. Did you know that science is now showing there is much more to weight loss than simply playing the calorie game? What else affects your weight…

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How Good is Your Multivitamin?

Are you taking a poor quality multivitamin and not getting your money's worth? Many are taking Centrum vitamins or discount brands not knowing there is a big difference when it comes to supplement quality. Poor quality multivitamins contain the following:

1. Very low levels of vitamins and minerals

Example: B vitamins will often contain only 1-2 milligrams which is extremely low. High quality multivits will contain 20-50 mg. of B vits. which support stress, energy and nervous system function.


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Breast Cancer Prevention

Approximately 1 in 8 U.S. women will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime. Her risk nearly doubles if she has a first-degree relative who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. Why are women at such a high risk today compared to 50 years ago? A big reason is the many chemicals women are exposed to today such as false estrogens that mimic hormones in the breast tissue. An example of these are bisphenol-A (BPA) used in plastics including water bottles. Herbicides and pest…

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Cleansing 101

Cleansing 101

Cleansing is a subject that is poorly understood and even controversial. Say the word cleanse and many think running to the bathroom is what's in store. The fact is there are numerous ways to cleanse the body-some good and some not so good.

Cleansing has been used by many cultures for years as a way to improve health and longevity. In our culture cleansing is not taught and therefore looked upon as different or weird despite the fact that it provides many benefits.

The Goal of Clean…

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Stress and Your Weight

What is one of the most common reasons people struggle to lose weight? The answer is stress which plays a significant role when it comes to losing weight. If you're struggling to lose or hit a plateau it's a good idea to look at your stress level.

When you're under high stress levels the adrenal glands secrete more cortisol. Cortisol is a stress hormone that helps you cope with stress. The problem is that high cortisol levels also cause abdominal obesity, cravings, fatigue and also break down imp…

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