
How to Deal With Hunger and Food Cravings


We’ve all felt what it’s like to be hungry, have an appetite, an experience an intense food craving. Hunger is the feeling we get when our stomachs are empty. Appetite is the desire to eat food. Cravings are different. 

Harvard Health defines cravings as, “an intense urge to eat a certain food—ideally right away.” While hunger can be alleviated by eating any food, cravings are very specific for a single type of food, like chocolate (the most commonly craved food). Plus, cravings can pop up at…

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Is Coffee Good For You?


It's estimated that 2.25 billion cups of coffee are consumed world wide every day. In the US over 220 million Americans include coffee in their daily routine and approximately 79% of coffee consumed is prepared at home, driven by convenience and cost effectiveness. It's a way of life for many and we continually hear the marketing campaigns such as "America runs on Dunkin".

Are There Health Benefits Drinking Coffee?

Coffee can be a controversial topic when it comes to it being good or bad for y…

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The Total Body Benefits of Fish Oil


By now, almost everyone has heard the pitch for fish: fish oil boosts cardiovascular and nervous system health, nourishes the brain, and even enhances visual function. Yet, despite its key role in fostering good health, American rarely include this necessary fat in their diets. Instead the majority of fats consumed are those found in vegetable oils, such as corn oil and grains.

Reducing Inflammation and Strengthening Cell Membranes

Some of the benefits of Omega-3 fats are linked to their role…

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Your Mental Health and Food

mental well being photo

Did you know there is mounting evidence that is showing the food we eat can influence mental health and well being? In addition, our mental health and stress level also influences what we choose to eat. The gut-brain connection is showing that mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression are impacted by the food we eat and our gut microbiome. Multiple Long-term cohort studies suggest that those who follow a healthy diet, which is defined as including fruits, vegetables, whole grains a…

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The Real Reasons You're Not Sleeping Properly


The Real Reasons You’re Not Sleeping Properly

You know that perfectly rested feeling you get after a good night’s sleep? Have you noticed in contrast how awful you feel after a terrible night’s sleep? How about after multiple nights of terrible sleep? Adequate rest and sleep are paramount to your good
health and, at the core, to basic survival.

Sleep Quality Matters

The quality of your sleep affects your attention span, your cognitive acuity and even your mood. That means that your ability to …

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5 Reasons Why Most Diets Fail

5 Reasons Why Most Diets Fail

Have you ever wondered why most diets fail? Perhaps you’ve tried every diet out there, only to be disappointed over and over again. You work so hard, you’re so hungry, and you spend hours in the gym, all for just a few lost pounds. Or, maybe you’ve even gained weight despite a lot of effort. It just doesn’t seem fair, but you’re definitely not alone. Here are five reasons why most diets fail:

Reason #1: Bio-individuality

It’s true that dieting works for some people. Many times, those people a…

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8 Simple Habits to Improve Your Digestion

8 Simple Habits to Improve Your Digestion

Good digestion. When it’s all working smoothly, we tend to take it for granted, but when things get out of balance it can quickly become all we think about. Heartburn, bloating, nausea, diarrhea - we may make jokes about them, but these symptoms of poor digestion can make us feel downright miserable, not to mention antisocial. Digestive disorders have risen dramatically in recent years, likely because our fast-paced lifestyles contain many elements that contribute to problems, such as high stres…

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Wine's Affect on Your Gut

Wines Affect on Your Gut

Right now, as you're reading this, trillions of bacteria are thriving in your gut. These little companions outnumber your own cells-you're actually more bacteria than you are human. Feeding the good bacteria in your gut can give you some glorious health benefits: staying lean, feeling happy and even being more social. For example:

  • Mycobacterium Vaccae, a bacterium that's naturally in the soil around you, significantly increased happiness in lung cancer patients who took it as a probiotic.
  • A …

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Combating Seasonal Allergies

Combating Seasonal Allergies

If you have seasonal allergies spring time can be very difficult. It's estimated that 25% of all humans deal with seasonal allergies. Besides relying on standard over the counter approaches like antihistamines and steroid nasal sprays, there's a lot you can do to find relief.

Lifestyle/Behavioral Changes

Although seasonal allergies are triggered by exposure to airborne substances, especially  pollens, the underlying cause is likely a mix of genetics and environmental exposure. Filter your indo…

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How Alcohol Affects Body Composition

How Alcohol Affects Body Composition

Is it really possible to enjoy your social drinking and maintain a healthy body composition? The answer may surprise you. We know many use alcohol as a way to relax at night or loosen up at parties, events and especially after a long week at work. But how much of an effect does it really have on your waist line? Several studies have shown that there is a connection to weight gain and alcohol consumption due to the amount of calories in alcoholic beverages, but how much alcohol one is consuming, …

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