

The Real Reasons You're Not Sleeping Properly


The Real Reasons You’re Not Sleeping Properly

You know that perfectly rested feeling you get after a good night’s sleep? Have you noticed in contrast how awful you feel after a terrible night’s sleep? How about after multiple nights of terrible sleep? Adequate rest and sleep are paramount to your good
health and, at the core, to basic survival.

Sleep Quality Matters

The quality of your sleep affects your attention span, your cognitive acuity and even your mood. That means that your ability to …

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Are Your Sleep Habits Making You Fat?

Could your sleep habits be the reason you're not able to sustain weight loss? It's estimated that 62% of American adults experience a problem a few nights per week and that 40 million people in the United States have a chronic sleep disorder. Research now shows sleep doesn't just help you lose weight, it also detoxes the brain, helping rid it of protein build up that can lead to Alzheimer's and dementia. On top of that sleep loss lowers immunity and raises stroke risk.

Sleep and Metabolism


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How a Disrupted Circadian Rhythm Makes You Fat

While most people are aware about diet and exercise when it comes to weight loss, few really understand the impact of a disrupted circadian rhythm and how it causes poor body composition. Circadian rhythm is not just about trying to get 7-8 hours of sleep a night, it's also about timing of meals, exposure to light in the am and minimizing exposure to artificial blue light at night coming from tablets, phones, etc. The modern world we live in and the technological advances have disrupted our circ…

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The Fatigue Weight Gain Connection

If you're dealing with an energy crisis and trying to lose weight you know how hard it is. There's nothing more important that will have a direct impact on your ability to lose weight than your energy. Sub par energy shows up in many ways but they can all be summed in this way: one takes shortcuts because of the lack of energy. Shortcuts mean you take the easy way, the convenient way instead of putting the time in that it takes. This affects many aspects needed to lose weight such as putting the…

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3 Ways High Stress Impacts Your Ability to Lose Weight

If you're struggling to lose weight in spite of a healthy diet and exercise, one of the key areas to look at is stress levels. In today's fast paced environment many of us are dealing with high stress levels. While many people can tell when they are under high stress, others do not recognize the impact stress is having on their health.


3 Ways High Stress Impacts Your Ability to Lose Weight
  1. Imbalanced cortisol levels-if your dealing with high stress levels you'll very likely have imbalanced c…

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Fat Cells and Sleep

In a study that challenges the long-held notion that the primary function of sleep is to give rest to the brain, researchers have found that not getting enough shut-eye has a harmful impact on fat cells, reducing by 30 percent their ability to respond to insulin, a hormone that regulates energy.

Sleep deprivation has long been associated with impaired brain function, causing decreased alertness and reduced cognitive ability. The latest finding — published by University of Chicago Medicine researc…

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Stress and Your Weight

What is one of the most common reasons people struggle to lose weight? The answer is stress which plays a significant role when it comes to losing weight. If you're struggling to lose or hit a plateau it's a good idea to look at your stress level.

When you're under high stress levels the adrenal glands secrete more cortisol. Cortisol is a stress hormone that helps you cope with stress. The problem is that high cortisol levels also cause abdominal obesity, cravings, fatigue and also break down imp…

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